Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Luxembourg City, The Ardennes, Haupeschfest in Berdorf, and Trier, Germany

This weekend we visited Luxembourg, a very small country bordered by France, Germany, and Belgium.  First we visited Luxembourg City, where we roamed the ancient fortresses and gardens that are mixed into the city.  These gave the city a very old and romantic feel.  In Luxembourg most of the population spoke French so there was a bit of a language barrier.  However, people were friendly and we felt very safe.
We ate at a fabulous Indian restaurant.  The highlight of the meal was tasting special herbs meant for cleansing your breath. The only taste it reminded me of was perfume and liquorish.. I did not like them at all, but Billy seemed to tolerate them.  Our friend Aval, who's  Indian ate them by the spoonful and found my reaction very amusing. Although the herbs left a strange taste in our mouth the city was nothing but pleasant.

On Sunday we stopped and took pictures of a few of the many castles in Luxembourg.  Also we hiked some of the trails in The Ardennes.  Despite the rain we found the natural landscape very beautiful and we enjoyed seeing the full rivers and streams.  After hiking we went on a hunt for lunch, we found ourselves in the town of Berdorf.  We were very pleasantly suprised Berdorf had a wonderful festival going on, called Haupeschfest.  So we ate ... we ate some amazing sausages wrapped in bacon and cheese, some cake, and we drank.. we drank some warm apple cider and some delicious hot chocolate.

The cake we ate was cooked on a wooden spool over a fire and was then chopped up into pieces to be eaten.  It was very good, we even took some home to share with our landlord! 

The tree man who added a little spookiness to the festival.

On our way home we stopped in the eldest city in Germany, Trier.  Trier was so interesting the buildings were very cute and the streets were filled with musicians.  Since it was Sunday the stores were mostly closed, but we enjoyed strolling the streets and doing a little window shopping.  I think we will definitely try to make it back here soon! Trier seems like it would have a wonderful Christmas Market. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    My name is Amy and I'm with Dwellable.
    I was looking for fun and authentic posts about the Ardennes to share on our travel site, when I came across your blog...If you're open to it, shoot me an email at amy(at)dwellable(dot)com.
    Hope to hear from you soon!
